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In keeping with the changing times, the Department has changed its priorities and focus over the decades. In the 60s and 70s cinema shows, library facilities and distribution of radio sets, leaflets, folders and booklets were the main activities. The 80s bought in the importance of television, video films and the infant local press. The Department thus guided and nurtured the fledgling local media, distributed T.V. sets to the villages and consolidated the photo and the PA section. In the 90s the department mostly concentrated on the official publication, advertisements, video documentaries and in feeding the local and national press about the activities and achievements of the Government with special focus on its peace initiatives. At present, the department is modernizing the whole process of collection and efficient dissemination of information and ready accessibility by the public.
Publishing of Daily Official Bulletin “NAGA NEWS”:

As the Public Relations wing of the Government, the Department publishes the Daily Official Bulletin “NAGA NEWS’ on all working days and even on holidays, depending on the exigencies of the situation. The department official s from all over the state are actively engaged in news collection about events and development activities taking place in their particular Districts or Sub-Divisions, which are then filed to the Directorate for inclusion’s in the day‘s edition of ‘NAGA NEWS’. Apart from news item and press photos, the ‘NAGA NEWS’ also contains features and articles. This bulletin is mailed to all the local papers, All India Radio, Doordarshan, National News agencies like UNI, PTI, other regional and national print media that use the report freely.


The Department carries out various publication on regular basis which serve as good publicity and PR tools for the promotion of the state’s image.
The Department publishes a monthly magazine “THE WARRIOR” which serves as a good source of information about events that took place all over the state. It also serves as an official record of events of public importance.
Besides these, the Department also publishes the yearly official Calendar, Diary, Speeches of the Chief Minister, Basic Facts etc which are in high demand from Government officials as well as public.
In recent years the Department has bought out valuable high quality coffee table books such as : Nagaland uncovered ‘Tracing a journey’
The Gilded Home ‘Reminiscences from Nagaland Chief Minister’s Bungalow’
Nagaland (1963 2013)’ Fifty years on’

Release of Government Advertisement/Paid advertorials:

With the introduction of the State Government’s policy on single window release of Government advertisements, The DIPR channelizes the release of Government advertisements to the newspapers. Through this system, the Government is able to streamline the expenses on advertisements, while at the same time ensure equitable treatment to all registered Newspapers and timely payment of advertisement bills to all newspapers. This system has also reduced their burden on the newspapers to independently pursue payment of their bills from different apartments. Centrally Sponsored Schemes and Programmes with own IEC components are, however, not covered under this programme

New Advertisement Policy & Rules, 2015:

The Government of Nagaland, Information & Public Relations Department has notified the New Advertisement Policy and Rules, 2015 of the State Government on 5th October 2015. Under these Rules the classification of Newspapers and Periodicals categories is as below:

Newspapers (circulation) Periodicals(circulation)
(i)small up to 15,000 (i) upto 2500
(ii) medium between 15000 and 50000 ii) between 2500-5000
(iii)(Big) Above 50000 (iii) Above 5000

To be eligible for Government advertisement, Newspapers should have uninterrupted and regular publication for a period of not less than one year; while periodicals should have the continuous publication for one year before they are eligible to receive the advertisement

Release of Advertisement. All Government advertisement will be routed through the Director, Information and Public Relations, Government of Nagaland. He will act as the Nodal Agency on behalf of the Government to release advertisement to different newspapers and periodicals.

Advertisement rates The rates fixed by the Department of IPR from time to time, will be applicable to all newspapers and periodicals within the States. The newspapers and periodical published outside the state may have their own rates of advertisements but government will make use of such papers and periodicals whose rates are acceptable, keeping in view the publicity requirements.

Payment of Advertisement bills All advertisements routed through DIPR shall be paid by DIPR. Press Releases/ Spokesperson All Government Officials Press Releases including Cabinet decisions, Government Notifications and Government Policies/Rules shall be released through DIPR. The Secretary/Director IPR shall be the Official spokesperson to the Government. Political statement/releases shall not involve IPR Department. Statutory Bodies/ Organisation can have their own spokesperson.

Press Accreditation: The DIPR, as the Nodal Department for all press related matters, implements the Press Accreditation Rules (Nagaland), 19809, whereby deserving Press Representatives/Journalists are given accreditation to the Government of Nagaland. An accredited journalist/press person is eligible for certain benefits/privileges including insurance cover, free and concessional travel by public transport etc.
Photo Coverage :The Directorate and the Offices of the DPROs provide photo coverage of official events and functions. The photographers of the department are constantly called upon to provide photo coverage, oftentimes at short notice. These photos are used as press photos or are used in publications later. On occasions where department photos are used by others, it is done so with due credit or acknowledge.
Video coverage: Video coverage is given to important government functions for record as well as for feeding doordarshan. The video section covers important events, VVIPS tours and visits, besides social and religious functions. These recordings are preserves as records, given to the VVIPs and sometimes provided to Cable TV Operators for telecast.
Conducted Tours and Liaison Works: The DIPR, as the Nodal department for all press related matters, organizes press conferences for the Chief Minister, his Ministerial colleagues, senior officials and visiting dignitaries. The Department also organizes conducted tours for visiting/local media persons. The officers are also called upon, from time to time, to act as liaison/advisors for documentary film makers/producers.
Public Address system : The Directorate and the offices of DPROs and APROs are equipped with PA system and operators. All official functions, meetings, VIP visits and important religious and social functions are facilitated with these equipments. Public announcements regarding Government notifications, orders and information of public importance are also carried by the Department through this facility.
Library Service: : The Directorate and all the Information Centres are attached with Libraries containing books on various topics of general interests. These Libraries cater to officials, students and the general public.
Translation: The Translation Section in the Directorate has 16 Languages Translators of all the tribes in Nagaland. The translators translate important Government notifications and relevant topics like Clean Election Campaign, HIV/AIDS awareness, flagship programmes of the government etc. into local languages. Other Government Departments also requisition their services from time to time.