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Profile of Dimapur District ( Land of Commercial District )

1. Town Altitude 260 m above sea level
2. Recognised Villages 206 village
3. Major Crops Rice, Maize, Tomato, Pineapple
4. Important Festivals Bishu (Kachari), all the major Tribe festivals
5. Major and Important Rivers Dhansiri, Chathe


Administrative HQ


1. DC's Office Dimapur
2. ADC's Office Medziphema, Niuland
3. SDO(C) Office Dhansiripar, Kuhuboto
4. EAC Headquarters Nihokhu, Chumukedima, Aquqhnaqua


Educational Institutions


1. Govt. Colleges 1
2. Govt. Primary,Middle,High Schools 27
3. Govt. Recognised Private Schools 0
4. Govt. Recognised Private Colleges 0


Tourist Attractions and Historical Places


1. Ruins of Medieval Kachari Kingdom
2. Green Park
3. NEZCC museum
4. Niathu Resort
5. Noune Resort