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Profile of Kohima District ( Land of Festivals )

1. Town Altitude 1,444 m (4,738 ft)
2. Recognised Villages 92 Villages
3. Major Crops Rice, Maize, Beans, Potato
4. Important Festivals Sekrenyi, Ngada
5. Major and Important Rivers Dzü, Dzüdza


Administrative HQ


1. DC's Office Kohima
2. ADC's Office Tseminyu, Chiephobozou
3. SDO(C) Office Jakhama, Sechü (Zubza)
4. EAC Headquarters Kezocha, Tsogin, Botsa


Educational Institutions


1. Govt. Colleges 3
2. Govt. Primary,Middle,High Schools 31
3. Govt. Recognised Private Schools 0
4. Govt. Recognised Private Colleges 0


Tourist Attractions and Historical Places


1. Kohima World War II Memorial
2. Kohima Cathedral
3. State Museum
4. Naga Heritage Village (Kisama)
5. Dzükou Valley