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Profile of Longleng District ( Land of Land of Minerals )

1. Town Altitude 1,066 m above sea level
2. Recognised Villages 38 villages
3. Major Crops Paddy
4. Important Festivals Monyu
5. Major and Important Rivers Dikhu and Yongmon River


Administrative HQ


1. DC's Office Longleng
2. ADC's Office Tamlu
3. SDO(C) Office NA
4. EAC Headquarters Yongyah, Sakshi, Namsang, Yachem


Educational Institutions


1. Govt. Colleges 1
2. Govt. Primary,Middle,High Schools 5
3. Govt. Recognised Private Schools 2
4. Govt. Recognised Private Colleges 0


Tourist Attractions and Historical Places


1. Ahom Raja Caves at Bhumnyu and Bura Namsang
2. Shamnyu Lake at Pongo
3. Tangha Lake at Tangha
4. Stone pillars at Yongtap/ Yachem Village.