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The Launching Programme of the First 1000 Days under Health Mission was held at CMO Conference Hall Tuensang with Zerotso Kesiezie, EAC on 26th May 2023.

Speaking on the occasion, Zerotso Kesiezie thanked the H&FW Department for organizing such events which would benefit the people. He stated that it was a very significant issue that should be addressed immediately for the well-being of pregnant women and children of two years of age. He added that the successful implementation of this programme requires all-round support from the Medical and Allied departments, churches, civil societies, and NGOs.

Dr. Imtijungshi Aier, DPO RCH Tuensang gave an introduction to the First 1000 Days, the importance of Antenatal Care and Hospital Delivery, and the convergence of Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Day.

Dr. Nusangtemjen, OBG District Hospital Tuensang spoke on the Care of Pregnant Mothers, the importance of Vaccination among children, and Breastfeeding and Early Childhood Development.

Tonen Chang, Co-ordinator of PMVVY Social Welfare Department gave a detailed presentation on the PMVVY schemes and nutritional support during the first 1000 Days, and Beti Chang from NSRLM, Rural Development gave a presentation on SBCC through SHG institutions. A vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Keveduyi Theyo CMO Tuensang.


 (Chingmak, IA Tuensang)