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Along with the rest of the of the world Wokha district also celebrated the World Environment day on 5th June 2024 at Lotha Hoho Ki, Wokha. The programme was organised by Wokha Forest Division and Doyang Planting Division in collaboration with Nagaland Board of School Education.

Assistant Conservator of Forests, Rajiv Shankar IFS, delivering the key note address said, to maintain a balance ecosystem we need to safeguard natural world by way of environment conservation, safeguard different species of animals, trees which can help to minimize environmental degradation and pollution which can help promote sustainable future for planet.

Divisional Forest Officer Wokha & Doyang, Suman W. M Sivachar (IFS) emphasised on the important aspect on conservation of our environment and biodiversity where he stated that, protection, preservation and restoration of ecosystem and natural resources are the critical aspect of sustainability to ensure long term wellbeing of both humans and the planet.

Skill Development Officer, Anuranjan Singh, who also spoke during the programme, encouraged the students’  to spread awareness about environment conservation, and added your role in spreading message will not only have an impact within the family but will have a greater impact in the society as well.

Short story about the importance of Mt. Tiyi was presented by Longtsu Tungoe. Highlights of the programme include folk story telling competition and folk song competition. Around 11 schools from Wokha town took part in the competition.

Earlier in the day, “Walk For Awareness” was held for the students which saw the  participation from different schools under Wokha town.  The walk was held under the Slogan “ Our Land, Our future, We are Generation Restoration”.

(DPRO & IA, Wokha)